Hi! Thanks for tuning in with me.

photo by Kelley Van Dilla

My name is Orion Johnstone, and my pronouns are they/them or he/him. I am transgender faggot witch, an ever-in-process abolitionist, a disciple of pleasure & mischief.

First and foremost, I dance with the question: “who and how might we be together most bravely and joyfully in light of our collective liberation?” 

My acclaimed, highly collaborative, theater work is an extension of my ministry, and I primarily work as a director and/or composer.

As a community minister, in collaboration with Queer kin throughout all of time, I hold space for Queer love rituals (inclusive of weddings) and beyond. My sex and voice coaching practice includes individual sessions, group workshops, and mentorship for other space holders.

I studied Theater at NYU (Tisch), Justice Ministries at Auburn Seminary, and I was a founding member of Alt*Div: an alternative divinity school for soulful community builders, within which I focused on facilitating braver spaces and conflict transformation as a spiritual practice.

And I am who I am because of the communities and individuals who shaped me. Please also read about my Roots and Lineages.


"If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time.

But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."

- Aboriginal Activists, Queensland, 1970s