TRANS SINGERS AND TESTOSTERONE: A Heart-Centered Gathering for Folks on T or Considering It

TRANS SINGERS AND TESTOSTERONE: A Heart-Centered Gathering for Folks on T or Considering It

from $20.00


No scarcity, though! we are going to offer this (or something very similar) again sometime.

YOU CAN FILL OUT THIS BRIEF FORM to get first dibs on signing up the next time we offer a gathering on this theme.


Does taking testosterone mean losing your singing voice?

Is singing high just for women and femmes?

Is it too late to learn how to sing?

The answer to all of these questions is a resounding No!


If you are on T or considering going on T,

you are most welcome to join for:


a Heart-Centered Online Gathering,

led by Eli Conley & Orion Johnstone

Sunday, April 2nd, 2023

4 - 6pm PT // 7 - 9pm ET

on Zoom

Let’s connect about what’s hard,

Let’s celebrate what’s great,

And let’s share wisdom and resources!

Plus, Eli and Orion will share from their experiences as singers and voice teachers on T and hold open space for your questions.



ELI CONLEY (he/him) is a singer-songwriter, teaching artist, and social justice activist based on Nisenan and Miwok land (Sacramento, California). As a gay trans man, he has a deep commitment to working within diverse queer and transgender communities to build collective power, creativity, and resilience through music. Eli is a certified teacher of Somatic Voicework - The LoVetri Method™ who continues to study to deepen his  approach to contemporary vocal pedagogy. He offers online singing and songwriting classes for LGBTQIA+ folks and allies, as well as private lessons and songwriting coaching.

ORION JOHNSTONE (they/he) is a non-binary transgender faggot witch and community minister, living and loving on Lenape land (NYC). They have been singing on stages for over thirty years but they really found their voice when singing with others in the streets. They’ve taught private + group voice lessons off and on for over 15 years, and everything they offer is rooted in our collective healing and liberation. They are also a composer, theater director, and sex+relationships coach. You can learn more about Orion and their other offerings at: 



This gathering is designed to work for a wide range of abilities and bodies, and we are committed to accessibility. Disabled and neurodivergent folks are warmly encouraged to join us! Zoom auto-captions will be provided, and all instructions will be given verbally as well as visually in the chat. Please let us know what access needs you would like us to hold with you on the form when you register, and/or email us directly with requests or questions: 



(a one time fee for this 2 hour gathering)

AT COST: $35

Consider paying this amount if doing so would be an investment, but not create hardship for your household. You might choose this rate if you are able to regularly meet your basic needs and have some expendable income, can travel every couple years without burden, and have some debt but are able to pay it regularly. This is the rate we need most folx to contribute in order for us to be sustained in this offering.


Please consider paying this amount if you are comfortably able to meet your basic needs, own the home you live in, have paid or pay for private education, travel recreationally, have access to financial savings and/or investments, have reliable work or do not have to work to meet your needs, have inherited wealth, and/or have increased earning privilege due to your race, gender, or education. This rate is a pay-it-forward rate that makes it viable for us to work with more folx who need a lower rate.


Consider paying this amount if you have limited expendable income, have little or no access to financial support from family, have significant debt, and little or no access to savings. This is a discounted rate.

NO ONE TURNED AWAY / PAY-WHAT-YOU-WANT: Please reach out to us at and if this is right for you. Black folx, Indigenous folx, and other People of Color to the front.


If this sparks you, we would love to share this with you!

And, this space is specifically meant for folx who are on Testosterone or are considering going on Testosterone. If you are a singing teacher who is not on, or considering, Testosterone for yourself, we respectfully ask that you do not attend this gathering, however, here is a list of resources that may be supportive to you.


You will receive a confirmation email as soon as you register, and we will share the Zoom link in a reminder email within 24 hours of this gathering.
