Transformation Prayer
i have heard that hurt people hurt people
and that healed people heal people.
but none of us are pinned in time like that,
defined by the pain that shaped us.
so isn’t it true that healing people are healing people,
and transforming people are transforming people?
i call on all that is beyond us that supports us,
and i cry out: may it be so!
may we be resilient with the discomfort of transformation.
where we carry privilege,
may we relentlessly show up
to the dismantling that is ours to do,
within us and beyond us.
where we have been harmed by systems of dominance,
may we know our magic and
may we find ease and thriving
beyond our ancestors’ wildest dreams.
as delusions of supremacy are further unveiled,
may we allow ourselves to tremble open
into deeper and deeper clear-seeing.
as intertwined systems of oppression are further unraveled,
may we hold each other close and know that
who and how we are together matters.
when we are weary,
may we allow ourselves to be
just as soft and just as strong as we are.
and when we move,
may we move knowing we are
never ever alone.
may we know, in our bones,
our connection to kindred throughout all of time-
to all beings in all dimensions who have
our mutual healing and collective liberation in mind and heart.
transformation is possible
may it be so.
transformation is happening
may it be so.
-Orion S. Johnstone